Wow, amazing!

Up There

Take the time to watch this, you'll be glad you did.

UP THERE from Jon on Vimeo.

Children's Drawings Painted

Some of the coolest and most creative work I've seen in awhile. What an awesome idea. Props to the painters and even more props to the kids!
From Revok1

"The Get By."

HBO's look at the New York City skate scene and how NYC is the best city in the world!

(Full Screen)

Clothing Art.

People must know these things...

Decisions Decisions....


Awesome, very frequently updated, entertaining blog and helping me get my name out there! Much Respect! Check him out!

Probably not that comfortable...But fresh nonetheless

From Mr.Talented!

Painted Favela's


The female artist Mad C just did this awesome memorial piece for the recently passed legendary DARE.

Broken Fingers Animation

Tant and Unga from Israel, took 3 days on a roof to shoot, **Turn on speakers before watching.